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ANNIS: Search and Visualization in Multilayer Linguistic Corpora

Download ANNIS3

ANNIS is an open source project distributed under the Apache Public License, Version 2.0. The system requires a PostgreSQL installation to run, and the server version also requires a running web-server (e.g. Apache Tomcat or Jetty).


Current ANNIS3 distribution: Version 3.1.6 (change log)

Older distributions:

For installation instructions see the ANNIS User Guide and our Documentation page. Source code (including the latest experimental developments) is available together with our bugtracker/feature requests ('issues') from (

If you're interested in working with ANNIS but have trouble setting everything up, please don't hesitate to contact us. If you're already using ANNIS and would like to stay up to date on releases and current development, you can also join the ANNIS mailing list (see contact page).