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ANNIS: Search and Visualization in Multilayer Linguistic Corpora



For corpora to be imported into the system, they must be converted into the native relational database format relANNIS using the Pepper converter framework. The current version of Pepper can convert stand-off PAULA XML, EXMARaLDA, generic XML, TreeTagger output, Tiger XML, <tiger2/>, ELAN, RST Tool and MMAX2 into relANNIS directly, to name a few formats. Other formats, including PALinkA and MS Excel may be converted to PAULA XML first and then to relAnnis. For the latest version, see the SaltNPepper homepage.

SaltNPepper: (homepage)

Other Converters:
Further documentation on the PAULA XML format may be found here.

Annotation Tools

ANNIS data is produced using a variety of annotation tools. Some frequently used tools include (non-exhaustive list):